

1736 Main St, Weston, FL 33326, USA

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Chris 01/30/2020 6:06 pm

You close the store and you do not update the info, just make people waiste time.

gregory gregory 10/20/2019 5:57 pm

Sunday- Closed ! Total different information online !

Alex Collier 09/22/2019 12:43 am

Maps said you are open until 10 but you are close. The store even has the sign open. Made me was a trip and I need them to activate 5 lines.

Nefi Contartese 09/14/2019 12:58 am

The place show in internet close time 9 pm. It’s a lie, they close 8. Plus one week ago I was waiting (under business time 4pm) mora than 10 minutes. This guys left a signal in the door (I’m back in five minutes).
This place must be the worst Metro pcs store I never see.

Ivy Higgins-Pimentel 02/06/2013 4:45 pm

These people need to learn what customer service means, the store works because of the city’s residents, we like to shop in town but with people like this is better to drive some where else. They wash their hands in every situation blaming the carrier’s policy!
I Don’t recommend them at all!