

2950 Cleveland Clinic Blvd, Weston, FL 33331, USA

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Find professional and biographical information about Cleveland Clinic physician Margaret E.G. Thompson, MD

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Berline J Baptiste 09/24/2019 11:47 am

Dr. Thompson is extremely great at what she do. She listen and care so much about her patients. She makes you feel safe and comfortable. She is also very formative and take her time to explain so everything is clear and takes time to answer all of your questions. Thank you for being who you are!

Maria Lorena Lanza 02/12/2019 2:41 pm

This Dr. was recomended as one of the top in her field. I made an appointment and the next available was for a month ahead. After I take time from work, the day on my appointment I found out that my appointment was canceled. I rescheduled for another 3 weeks. Surprise!!! It happened again! They canceled my appointment once more. I am also a health provider and that does not mean that I can disrespect other people’s time. My time is as valuable than yours Dr. Thompson.

I also want to add the the receptionist Ms. Jahqueen L. Was very rude. Interupted me and not let me finish. She should be more compasionate when you work with costumer service.

This is very hard for me when I have two relatives with breats Cancer (one being a Male) and my mother who just passed away 4 weeks ago.

Sofiya Deen 08/29/2018 7:35 pm

I too would like to send kudos to Dr. Thompson for taking great care with me before, during and after my lumpectomy. I had minimal pain, discomfort or redness the morning after. All that I read raised my anxiety unnecessarily… May God continue to shower is blessings upon you & your team Dr. Thompson!!! Look forward to seeing you soon.

Holly Schneider 05/23/2018 4:35 am

I trust her with my life! She is an amazing doctor. She has saved two of my friends from breast cancer. She help me through many scares. I would highly recommend her.

Sway Donvella 03/20/2016 4:31 pm

I had an lumpectomy with this doctor for breast ca and, I was so disappointed she did the procedure and assured my family that everything was done. A few days later when I went back for my post-op I was then given the news that not all of my cancer was removed. I thought that was what my surgery was all about getting rid of my lump. I can’t say I would recommend her to anyone for this kind of a surgery. The pain and suffering already felt from my diagnoses and then to find that the physician I entrusted with my life made such an error as that is frustrating and disappointing.