

2950 Cleveland Clinic Blvd, Weston, FL 33331, USA

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Beth Raines 02/07/2020 1:14 am

I was referred to Dr. Wexner by a surgeon in Tallahassee Fl. He was the most experienced in Jpouch procedures in the US. I received a jpouch in 2010. He was very professional and the first interview went very well. But…. several months later when I was experiencing pain and problems with the jpouch he was not helpful at all. I returned to Cleveland Clinic and under went some type of rectal Procedure in the office to examine the jpouch. With approximately 5 residents in a tiny Operatory. After starting the examine the machine was not working correctly and he continued with the procedure all the while literally cussing that the machinery was not working probably and introducing gas into by jpouch. I began to get dizzy and about to faint from the gas introduced into the small bowel.i has to pull over on my way back to my hotel to throw up from the gas and lay in the bed for several hours!I have had UC for 30 years and am very well Adapt to Colorectal procedures and discomfort ( I am tuff). I was extremely dissatisfied and when I Left that day sore I would not ever see him again. Since then I have had 10 years of hell. My jpouch was twisting as I apparently do not form scar tissue ( no fault of Wexner). And have suffered from pain which took years to discover! I recently had the jpouch removed and an Ileostomy placed by Dr Read at UF Health. Who by the way is an excellent surgeon with great bed side manner.I am feeling much better but not completely without complications. I just wish surgeons would listen to their patients when they return with problems instead of bushing them off and basically Humiliating them in front of many residents, and thinking they know everything! I was not satisfied with Dr. Wexner although I acknowledge he is skilled but he needs to listen and have a better bed side manner and realize he doesn’t know everything. Please review all your options before you get a jpouch if you are living life well with the temporary Ileostomy you may want to Consider keeping it. Would have saved 10 years of pain and misery not to mention 50,000 worth of hospital bills.

fernando arechaga 11/07/2018 11:01 pm

Went to several doctors at Memorial Health and none of them would treat me . Made an appointment to see Dr Wexner at Cleveland Clinic and he stated that I needed surgery right away . He scheduled a date for surgery a couple of days after my initial appointment. He had to perform several surgeries and recently performed the last surgery whiich was a stoma closure and I feel really good . I’d like to thank the greatest colorectal surgeon Dr Wexner and his team for everything they have done for me..

Gary Segarra 08/15/2018 7:39 pm

Exceptional Doctor, staff and facility. After other surgeons said it couldn’t be done, Dr Wexner said otherwise. Forever grateful.

John and Carole Dorsey 03/08/2018 7:03 pm

Five years ago I went to see Dr Wexner to see if he could correct all of my colon problems that stemmed from a bad reaction to radiation treatment during a colon cancer surgery in 1993. Dr Wexner gave me my life back by conducting a surgery that removed the diseased parts of the colon and installed a permanent colostomy. I will always be grateful for the work of Dr. Wexner and his team to correct my problems. John Dorsey

Peggy DiVito 06/23/2017 7:22 pm

I was extremely impressed with Dr. Stephen Wexner’s experience and knowledge. He took his time to explain the procedure and made sure that everything from that point on went smoothly. You have no idea how Dr. Wexner changed my husband’s life. He came to us highly recommended and after experiencing the medical treatment he provided he surpassed our expectations. His communication skills with his staff was exceptional. This medical experience is the highest standard that any patient could experience from the office visits to the hospital stay. There is no one else I would recommend as a surgeon. He certainly is one of the best Colon Rectal surgeons in the country. If you are in need of a Colon Rectal surgeon you are crazy not to consult with him. Thank you Dr. Wexner! You are a miracle worker.