

1840 Main St #104, Weston, FL 33326, USA

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Jeff Bauman 11/14/2019 2:34 pm

As a Licensed Psychologist, I have found Dr. Salgueiro to be a seriously helpful member of the treatment team for hundreds of my patients. She is highly professional, caring, and keeps the many therapists who refer to her, totally informed of her care. Given the national shortage of psychiatrists, we are indeed fortunate to have Dr. Salgueiro in our community!

Roberto Rolando 12/03/2017 4:58 am

Incredible doctor. Was in a very bad mental state when i first started treatment with her and was very unsure about the idea of seeing a psychiatrist but she’s very warm and comforting to speak to, she listens intently and addresses all angles of your concerns and explains everything very clearly but more than anything she’s INCREDIBLY reliable. She has always responded to my E-mails or calls in any situation i was facing with my treatment whether it was a slight concern or an emergency she takes care of it right away. Would recommend to anyone who needs a quality doctor who actually takes pride in her practice.

Edgar Sanchez 03/30/2017 5:02 pm

Nobody answer…

R Y 02/17/2017 2:32 pm

Really good only downside is almost all the times I arrive there 30 min before my appointment and end up waiting 1-2 hours after my scheduled time. Really sucks cause then it messes up the rest of my day sometimes I’ll have to reschedule bc I can’t skip classes.

Maria Angeles Venereo 12/12/2016 4:26 pm

It was years ago but I loved her. She made me see a lot of things I could not realize.