

17140 Royal Palm Blvd #1, Weston, FL 33326, USA

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Opening Hours

Closed opens on Monday at 9:00 AM

9:00 AM - 5:00 PM


9:00 AM - 5:00 PM


9:00 AM - 5:00 PM


9:00 AM - 5:00 PM


9:00 AM - 5:00 PM





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Mairim Hernandez 09/13/2019 11:49 pm

There are times in our lives when our personal and professional responsibilities take the best of us. We are left feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. Deadlines, projects and commitments consume us and our infamous “to do” list keeps growing. Not to mention the over use phrase, “I’ll get to it tomorrow.“ The uncertainty of where to start or how to tackle the dawning tasks of everything left undone, we give up.

In our financial world, this can translate to personal and corporate taxes left unfiled, high interest rate loans, credit card debt, no retirement fund or life insurance to help care for those we love and value most in a time of need. This is my story!

I’m blessed to have founded a successful business and a loving family. But with time, growth, lack of planning and proper guidance, along came procrastination and the catastrophic patterns I described above.

On May 17, I sat in Randy’s office desperate and confused. Filing my long overdue personal and corporate taxes was a priority. I had not balanced my checkbook or reconciled my accounts in almost two years. A balance sheet or profit and loss statement were foreign words, as I had not had one prepared in years. I honestly thought he would decline my business. Instead, Randy and Josh took on my project with enthusiasm. Their attention to my matters made me feel as if I was their only client.

It has been only 3 months since that May meeting. I now have filed my corporate and personal taxes through 2018. Balance statements are up to date through 8/31. My home has been refinanced to a very low interest rate after paying 10% for seven years. My real estate business loans will close on record low interest rates within 4 weeks. My credit cards carry a zero balance and I’m boosting a credit score over 800!

Because of Randy and his dedicated staff, I’m in a financial position of order, planning and growth. I could’ve never done this without them. This is not an ad, this is my wholehearted truth!

Steven Shatkin 11/15/2017 4:13 am

Randy and Tyler always have given me great accounting service. They always complete my work very timely and If I ever have any questions they are very easily accessible. Randy also has extensive knowledge of anything that has to do with accounting or financial planning and is way more then just a CPA to me. I definitely highly recommend.

Evan Oder 09/08/2016 1:35 pm

Randall and Tyler are great! They handle all my business and personal tax returns as well as offer extremely valuable business advice. I’ve also used them to setup a Roth IRA and am beyond satisfied with their transparency and policies towards compliance and accountability. Highly recommend.

ROBERT TOBAL 11/16/2015 12:39 am

Mr. Stafman has been my accountant for over 30 years and Has always had my back when it comes to saving me money on my taxes legally. He thinks outside the box and he’s very bright which makes him a great accountant and financial advisor.

Erkys Bilbao 10/22/2015 6:45 pm