

510 Shotgun Rd #150, Sunrise, FL 33326, USA

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Kindred at Home in Sunrise, FL 33326 helps people remain at home, surrounded by friends and family, while receiving the highest-quality, most compassionate home-based care possible. Home health care is focused on helping you manage a chronic condition or recover from an acute illness, surgery, accident or a change in medical condition.

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Emily Watkins 08/20/2019 7:15 pm

I have not enjoyed anything about this place.

Amy Sbitany 08/20/2019 2:43 pm

Great experience

Meenal Sawant 12/29/2017 7:08 pm

Had the worst experience ever with this agency. There is always a miscommunication between their therapists and office staff. The therapists give one information to the patient and report something else to the office. After discussing about my insurance situation with the therapist, she made notes and told that we can discuss and finalize the days and dates of session once she knows her schedule for the week. I also mentioned that as my insurance allows max 12 home visits I would like to take as much advantage as possible and I’m ready to do 3 sessions in the week if she is available. She never gets back to me about the schedule and calls me the next day to let know that she is on her way. Due to my health problem I apologized and said that I won’t be able to so therapy that day but can do any other day in that week. She tells me that there are no openings till the end of year and as she has clients with critical issues she cannot cancel them. She also mentioned that I will be benefited more with outpatient therapy and I should start looking in that options.
However, the office manager calls me the next day saying that I should have the informed the therapist that I don not want to continue the therapy anymore. When I mentioned that I had discussed the situation with the therapist the previous week and informed her about everything. However, if its their agency policy that patient need to take the decision about continuing therapy, the therapist should have told me before that its my responsibility to let know the therapist whether I am continuing or discontinuing the therapy. Even after explaining everything to the office manager she kept arguing with me that i was wrong. Finally I have to say sorry and tell her that I do not want to get in an argument about he said she said and do not want to continue with them.
I would advise that opt this agency only if you okay with dealing with nonprofessional therapists and office staff. If not just stay away from them.