

2863 Executive Park Dr STE 106, Weston, FL 33331, USA

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Mehrnosh Davari 11/01/2017 4:28 pm

Often people have difficulty seeking help during hard times. Gloria was referred to me when I was 4 months pregnant with my first child. I was having a challenging pregnancy….emotionally, mentally and physically. Times got really tough. Gloria helped me and my family through it with consistent counseling and support. We now have a beautiful, healthy baby boy that brings us tremendous joy. Gloria has been an incredible therapist. She is extremely compassionate and genuinely cares for her patients. She is great at listening and providing advise and support especially through difficult times. If you are struggling with challenges and need someone in your corner, I highly recommend Gloria. Stay consistent and NEVER GIVE UP!
***Thank you Gloria for helping me recover my happiness.***

Jaclin Patricia 05/28/2016 1:46 am

Es la mejor psicologa….Ella cambio mi vida