1093 Shotgun Rd, Sunrise, FL 33326, USA
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Kevin Masaro
12/05/2019 7:07 pm
Amazing people behind the scenes running an extremely awesome company. We appreciate you!
Jim Loftus
05/18/2019 10:09 am
I just had the displeasure of one of your drivers tailgating me through Big Pine Key, Fl. at 5:45 am this morning. When I turned off of Overseas Highway they had the assiduity to blow the horn at me. I was going the speed limit and they don’t need to be three feet off of my bumper. You need to tell the moron driving that fuel truck if he crashes, it wouldn’t be good.
I would rather not post this to you google account but since your “contact us” tab doesn’t work on your website you leave me no choice.
Robert McReynolds
03/28/2019 11:27 pm
Thursday evening around 7:00 p.m. on Thursday March 28th your driver with license plate 497 0CN decided he didn’t want to wait in the line of cars trying to get on 95. He pulled up to right hand side of the line and forced his way in nearly smashing the car in front of me. Both of us had to lay on our horns to get his attention so he would stop.
Someone carrying deisel should be more careful.
Melanie Green
07/22/2018 5:28 pm
Driver swerved into our lane and almost killed us. He was texting apparently!
erocrocks .
02/24/2018 2:21 am
Truck tried running me off the road tonight in the keys. 9:15pm 2/23/18 highway US 1 Big PineKey
Traffic ahead of us and behind us, this wonderful driver tailgated, flashed us and honked here horn at us. All the while we were behind other vehicles. No where too go
Liscense plate 754 7CM
Dangerous and reckless , dont trust this company with flammable cargo unless you would like an accident on your hands